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Operation import.database.from.local_file_path in plugin tabular v0.5.0

Import a database from a csv file.

Author(s) Markus Binsteiner (
Operation type pipeline


Name Description Type Required? Default

The local path to the file (absolute, or relative to current directory.

string true null

Whether the first row of the file is a header row. If not provided, kiara will try to auto-determine.

boolean false null


Name Description Type Required? Default

The result value (of type 'database').

database true null

The loaded files.

file true null

Module configuration

Module pipeline

With configuration options:

constants {}
context {}
defaults {}
doc { "description": "Import a database from a csv file.", "doc": null }
input_aliases { "import_file.path": "path" }
output_aliases { "import_file.file": "imported_file", "create_database_from_file.database": "database" }
pipeline_name "import.database.from.local_file_path"
steps [ { "module_type": "import.local.file", "module_config": {}, "is_resolved": false, "step_id": "import_file", "manifest_src": { "module_type": "import.local.file", "module_config": {}, "is_resolved": false }, "input_links": {}, "module_details": { "python_class_name": "ImportLocalFileModule", "python_module_name": "kiara.modules.included_core_modules.filesystem", "full_name": "kiara.modules.included_core_modules.filesystem.ImportLocalFileModule", "module_config": { "constants": {}, "defaults": {} }, "inputs_schema": { "path": { "type": "string", "type_config": {}, "default": null, "optional": false, "is_constant": false, "doc": { "description": "The local path to the file (absolute, or relative to current directory.", "doc": null } } }, "outputs_schema": { "file": { "type": "file", "type_config": {}, "default": null, "optional": false, "is_constant": false, "doc": { "description": "The loaded files.", "doc": null } } } }, "doc": { "description": "Import a file from the local filesystem.", "doc": null } }, { "module_type": "create.database", "module_config": { "source_type": "file", "target_type": "database" }, "is_resolved": false, "step_id": "create_database_from_file", "manifest_src": { "module_type": "create.database.from.file", "module_config": {}, "is_resolved": false }, "input_links": { "file": [ { "step_id": "import_file", "value_name": "file", "sub_value": null } ] }, "module_details": { "python_class_name": "CreateDatabaseModule", "python_module_name": "kiara_plugin.tabular.modules.db", "full_name": "kiara_plugin.tabular.modules.db.CreateDatabaseModule", "module_config": { "constants": {}, "defaults": {}, "source_type": "file", "target_type": "database", "ignore_errors": false, "merge_into_single_table": false, "include_source_metadata": null, "include_source_file_content": false }, "inputs_schema": { "file": { "type": "file", "type_config": {}, "default": null, "optional": false, "is_constant": false, "doc": { "description": "The source value (of type 'file').", "doc": null } }, "first_row_is_header": { "type": "boolean", "type_config": {}, "default": null, "optional": true, "is_constant": false, "doc": { "description": "Whether the first row of the file is a header row. If not provided, kiara will try to auto-determine.", "doc": null } } }, "outputs_schema": { "database": { "type": "database", "type_config": {}, "default": null, "optional": false, "is_constant": false, "doc": { "description": "The result value (of type 'database').", "doc": null } } } }, "doc": { "description": "Creates a 'database' instance from a source value of type 'file'.", "doc": null } } ]