Operations in plugin tabular v0.5.3
Public operations
- assemble.tables
Assemble a 'tables' value from multiple tables.
- create.database.from.file
Create a database from a file.
- create.database.from.file_bundle
Create a database from a file_bundle value.
- create.database.from.table
Create a database value from a table.
- create.database.from.tables
Create a database value from a list of tables.
- create.table.from.file
Create a table from a file, trying to auto-determine the format of said file.
- create.table.from.file_bundle
Create a table value from a text file_bundle.
- create.tables.from.file_bundle
Create a database from a file_bundle value.
- export.database.as.csv_files
Export network data as 2 csv files (one for edges, one for nodes.
- export.database.as.sql_dump
Export network data as a sql dump file.
- export.database.as.sqlite_db
Export network data as a sqlite database file.
- export.table.as.csv_file
Export a table as csv file.
- export.tables.as.csv_files
Export network data as 2 csv files (one for edges, one for nodes.
- export.tables.as.sql_dump
Export network data as a sql dump file.
- export.tables.as.sqlite_db
Export network data as a sqlite database file.
- extract.date_array.from.table
Extract a date array from a table column.
- import.database.from.local_file_path
Import a database from a csv file.
- import.table.from.local_file_path
Import a table from a file on the local filesystem.
- import.table.from.local_folder_path
Import a table from a local folder containing text files.
- parse.date_array
Create an array of date objects from an array of strings.
- query.database
Execute a sql query against a (sqlite) database.
- query.table
Execute a sql query against an (Arrow) table.
- table.pick.column
Pick one column from a table, returning an array.
- table_filter.drop_columns
- table_filter.select_columns
- table_filter.select_rows
- tables.pick.column
Pick one column from a table, returning an array.
- tables.pick.table
Pick one column from a table, returning an array.