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Operation import.table.from.local_folder_path in plugin tabular v0.5.0

Import a table from a local folder containing text files.

Author(s) Markus Binsteiner (
Operation type pipeline


Name Description Type Required? Default

The local path of the folder to import.

string true null


Name Description Type Required? Default

The imported file bundle.

file_bundle true null

The result value (of type 'table').

table true null

Module configuration

Module pipeline

With configuration options:

constants {}
context {}
defaults {}
doc { "description": "Import a table from a local folder containing text files.", "doc": null }
input_aliases { "import_file_bundle.path": "path" }
output_aliases { "import_file_bundle.file_bundle": "imported_file_bundle", "create_table_from_files.table": "table" }
pipeline_name "import.table.from.local_folder_path"
steps [ { "module_type": "import.local.file_bundle", "module_config": {}, "is_resolved": false, "step_id": "import_file_bundle", "manifest_src": { "module_type": "import.local.file_bundle", "module_config": {}, "is_resolved": false }, "input_links": {}, "module_details": { "python_class_name": "ImportLocalFileBundleModule", "python_module_name": "kiara.modules.included_core_modules.filesystem", "full_name": "kiara.modules.included_core_modules.filesystem.ImportLocalFileBundleModule", "module_config": { "constants": {}, "defaults": {}, "include_file_types": null, "exclude_file_types": null }, "inputs_schema": { "path": { "type": "string", "type_config": {}, "default": null, "optional": false, "is_constant": false, "doc": { "description": "The local path of the folder to import.", "doc": null } } }, "outputs_schema": { "file_bundle": { "type": "file_bundle", "type_config": {}, "default": null, "optional": false, "is_constant": false, "doc": { "description": "The imported file bundle.", "doc": null } } } }, "doc": { "description": "Import a folder (file_bundle) from the local filesystem.", "doc": null } }, { "module_type": "create.table", "module_config": { "source_type": "file_bundle", "target_type": "table" }, "is_resolved": false, "step_id": "create_table_from_files", "manifest_src": { "module_type": "create.table.from.file_bundle", "module_config": {}, "is_resolved": false }, "input_links": { "file_bundle": [ { "step_id": "import_file_bundle", "value_name": "file_bundle", "sub_value": null } ] }, "module_details": { "python_class_name": "CreateTableModule", "python_module_name": "kiara_plugin.tabular.modules.table", "full_name": "kiara_plugin.tabular.modules.table.CreateTableModule", "module_config": { "constants": {}, "defaults": {}, "source_type": "file_bundle", "target_type": "table", "ignore_errors": false }, "inputs_schema": { "file_bundle": { "type": "file_bundle", "type_config": {}, "default": null, "optional": false, "is_constant": false, "doc": { "description": "The source value (of type 'file_bundle').", "doc": null } } }, "outputs_schema": { "table": { "type": "table", "type_config": {}, "default": null, "optional": false, "is_constant": false, "doc": { "description": "The result value (of type 'table').", "doc": null } } } }, "doc": { "description": "Creates a 'table' instance from a source value of type 'file_bundle'.", "doc": null } } ]